Best Loan From Punjab National Bank Personal Loan
Punjab National Bank offers personal loan for everyone who is salaried & self-employed. A personal loan can be used for personal expenses or other any legal business purpose. As Punjab National Bank offers personal loan & other schemes which have made a good impact in the Indian market even also helped to build brand reputation.
PNB Personal Loan Details:
- You can apply for a loan through a call or online on the official PNB website.
- The bank representative will send representation to places of the applicant for further process.
- The loan application can be checked on the website online with the help of tracking number.
- The bank offers the best & affordable interest rate for salaried & self-employed person.
- This bank requires simple documentation which helps to get a loan faster.
- A person can pay a loan amount in 5 years.
- The condition of personal loan or verification is quite fair for a loan applicant.
- The eligibility may differ for every applicant & it will depend on CIBIL scores.
Punjab National Bank personal loan offers the loan applicant maximum loan amount up to Rs. 10 lakhs. The loan amount can be paid in tenure or period of 5 years or 60 months. The loan applicant can also have to pay interest rate up to 11% to 15% of the loan amount including GST & taxes.
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