What Is Small Cash Loan & Features Of Small Cash Loan? A small cash loan is a short-term instant finance available for salaried individuals. A borrower can avail anywhere between Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 1 lakh for a period of up to 180 days. The repayment is done through monthly EMIs. There are no prepayment and foreclosure charges, enabling borrower to repay loan early without attracting penalties. Purpose of the Loan Being a multi-purpose loan, a small cash loan can be taken to fulfill any emergency or personal expense. Since the funds are disbursed within 24 hours of loan approval, many usually choose the loan for financial contingencies such as paying school fee of children, home repair, travel, medical treatment, etc. Features of a Small Cash Loan Below-given are some of the features of in stant cash loans . Since the loan is unsecured in nature, financial institutions provide the loan by analyzing the borrower’s net monthly income, financial liabilities, and ...
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